Delegate Updates
Meet Jamie Heady and Robin Faux, your AMTA-NM Chapter Delegates!
Chapter delegates serve the membership by creating the bridge between the chapter members and the board. They also connect the chapter to the national assembly. If a chapter chooses to introduce a Proposed Idea for Position Statement to the National organization for consideration, it is the delegates who submit the PIPS where it will be discussed and voted on. Think of the delegates as the first point of contact for communication with AMTA.
This year, the Connecticut Chapter submitted a proposal for AMTA to support the integration of massage therapy in treatment of people living with cancer. You can download a copy of the full text of the proposal from the links below. Robin and Jamie are asking for you to submit questions and comments for the discussion no later than August 13th so they can convey them to the Assembly of Delegates, which will take place August 23rd.
Email us at
Appendix A_Massaage and Cancer Treatments